Home & Graphic Design

Paul Canavan - Digital Artist

About me

My name is Paul Canavan and I am a digital artist from Massachusetts looking for work.
This site will take you through the highlights of my design and video editing work.


Project+ is a fan modification of the video game Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. Commonly touted as "The Best Smash Bros. Mod of All Time" and covered by sites such as Wired and IGN, Project+ (formerly Project M) is the most popular mod of a console game ever created. As of late 2019, I am a developer on the project, with my most notable contributes including designing and implementing overhauled menus as well as our new character, Knuckles. Project M and Project+ combined have over one million downloads lifetime, with our v2.0 release reaching 100,000 downloads within just two days, and our channel totaling over one million views. Below are images of some of my contributions to the project.


PMRank is a yearly ranking of the Top 50 Project+ players around the world. As of PMRank 2019, I am the Graphic Design lead on the project, handling player cards, banners, and miscellaneous graphics. Pictured below are examples of both the 2019 and 2022 iterations of the project.

Miscellaneous Project+ Work

For the greater competitive scene, I create various graphics to promote the scene and help it grow. 

Project M Nexus

Project M Nexus is a collaborative YouTube channel that features clip showcases, tutorials, highlights, and more. In my time on the team, I have produced multiple graphical assets for them.